Mount and Blade bannerlord header image

Mount and Blade: Bannerlord co-op mod in the works

Mount and Blade: Bannerlord was finally released this year after years of development and setbacks. Bannerlord was one of the most anticipated sequels of all time and now that it is finally released in early access fans of the series, (including myself) have a chance to once again conquer Calradia with all new factions and an all new map set 200 years before the previous title, Mount and Blade: Warband.

Prepare Carefully Moc

10 Must have mods for Rimworld – Rimworld best mods

This list is my personal choice of must-have mods for your next playthrough! These may not be the best Rimworld mods, or necessarily add the most amount of content. All of the mods are ‘vanilla friendly’ (within reason) and try to improve on the gameplay features already in the base game, rather than adding a bunch of new content. The list, in no particular order, includes UI changes, system changes and content.