How to Create a Kingdom in Mount and Blade: Bannerlord (2024)

In Mount and Blade: Bannerlord you will be thrust into a world divided. Calradia is a world filled with warring Kingdoms, hosting many lords and ladies with armies under their control. As you work your way up the political landscape, you can also increase your rank and impact on the world. You can eventually rule your own kingdom, should you wish.

This guide will show you how you can create your own kingdom from start to finish.


You can click any of the links below to jump straight to that section of the page.

Starting a Kingdom in Sandbox Mode
Reach Clan Level 4 and Take a Fief
Creating Your Kingdom
Assigning and Speaking With Governer to Finalize Kingdom Creation

Starting a Kingdom in Sandbox

This guide will mainly focus on starting a kingdom in the sandbox version of the game. In the regular single-player version there is a quest-line focusing on collecting pieces of a dragon banner which will end up in the player starting their own kingdom. That is pretty straightforward. In sandbox mode, the player will have a bit more freedom. Creating a kingdom is a little more confusing.

To create your own kingdom in Bannerlord, you will have to meet a few different requirements:

  • Reach Clan level 4
  • Hold their own fief
  • Have at least 1 companion

Once you have the completed the 3 steps above creating a kingdom is pretty straightforward. If you already have all of the above requirements you can skip to this part of the page which will show you how to start a kingdom through dialogue. At this point, you can create your own kingdom through a series of dialogue choices.

Reaching Clan Level 4 and Taking a Fief

First of all, taking a fief will be no easy task, especially if you are on your own. You will need to amass a decent size army or wait until another clan has just taken over a castle. This is because to begin with they will be pretty badly defended. So what you want to do is wait for the moment a kingdom takes a castle from another, then immediately take the castle before it can be reinforced with many troops. This will also work with towns, although they are much harder to take over.

A screenshot of a Village called Sargot from Mount and Blade: Bannerlord. Identifying when a tournament is happening in a city

Another popular method of taking your first fief is to join an existing kingdom and them once you are awarded with a castle for your services, leave the kingdom and keep the fief. The members of that faction will dislike you for doing this, but it is probably the easiest way to get a castle or town in Bannerlord.

Once you have your own fief and are not apart of any kingdom, you are able to start creating your own kingdom.

How to Create a Kingdom in Bannerlord

Now that you have your own fief and area at clan level 4 you are able to start your very own kingdom! To do this, you want to head over to your owned fief. Once you are there, select the option Manage Town. (This will be Manage Castle if this is a castle fief.)

Showing how to manage a town in Bannerlord in order to start your own Kingdom

At this screen you can see a box in the top right reading Governor. Once you click on this box you will have to select one of your companions to be the governor of this town. You also have the option to choose from two random NPCs which are just nobles of the town. Whoever you choose will remain governor of the town and won’t be able to fight in your party unless you take them back out again and replace them with another NPC.

Talking to the governor to start a kingdom in mount and blade bannerlord

Once you have an NPC as a governor you are able to start the dialogue to create a kingdom.

Creating a Kingdom Through Governor Dialogue

First, go to any fief you own where there is a governor stationed. You will have to start talking to your governor in order to create a kingdom. To do this, visit the town. Once you Head to the Keep you will see the governor’s portrait at the top of the screen with any other NPCs currently in the keep. Left-click on this portrait and select the option Talk. You will begin a dialogue with your governor.

You will then have to select the option along the lines of “It is time to take a momentous step….”

Following this dialogue you will have the ability to finally create your own kingdom and hire whichever vassals you please. You will not have to fight to become the leader of this kingdom, you will be king by default. To keep a strong kingdom, you will have to convince lords to join your kingdom and fight with you.