How to Dismantle Items and Reclaim Resources in Going Medieval

This will be a short guide on how to dismantle object in Foxy Voxel’s Going Medieval. Sometimes through your colony management you may really be in need of some certain materials. You may have through you needed something before, but don’t actually use it as much as your thought. Luckily, you can break down the items and reclaim some of the resources used to make it. This is done through the dismantle action.

How to Dismantle in Going Medieval

Dismantling objects in Going Medieval is a very simple process. There are two ways to do this:

  1. Select the Dismantle action from the bottom right of the screen and select the objects to be dismantled
  2. Select the object and in it’s menu on the bottom left select the option to dismantle it. (see image below)
Deconstructing a hay sleeping spot in going medieval
As we’ve researched better beds, we can dismantle the hay sleeping spot for resources

Which method you want to use will probably depend on how many objects you want to deconstruct. If you only want to break down 1 or 2 objects, you’re probably better off just selecting them and marking them to be deconstructed. If you have a lot of objects to deconstruct, select the actual deconstruct button first and then mark the whole batch of items.

Which Settlers will Deconstruct?

In Going Medieval, each of the tasked are split up into different roles. The task of building objects and also deconstruction them is given to settlers with the Construct job. You can see which settlers are assigned to which tasks and change their priorities from the Jobs menu at the top left of the UI. Here, you are able to see which settlers will dismantle. The amount of resources you will get back from recycling an object will depend on the settler’s Construct skill. Highly skilled builders will be able to reclaim a lot of resources through dismantling.

Assigning settlers to construct and deconstruct in Going Medieval through the Jobs menu
Settlers can be assigned to specific jobs

By default, all of your settlers will be able to do anything. You should try to reassign each settler to the jobs they are best at. For example, by having a non-skilled builder constructing a wall, they may fail multiple times. This can cause good materials to be wasted. You wouldn’t want your hunter who has never been behind a stove before cooking up the colony’s stew!

Deconstructing Multiple Items at Once

As aforementioned, when deconstructing multiple items such as an entire house, it will be more efficient to mark them all at once. To do this, make sure you have nothing selected. You will see a bunch of icons in the bottom right of the screen. Select the icon which looks like a castle tower being destroyed. You can also press the K key by default to select this. Now, you are able to mark whole areas or click items to have them be deconstructed. You can click and drag an area to break down anything within it.

dismantling a house in Going Medieval
You can use the deconstruct button to mark multiple items at once

As you can see above, we want to get rid of the ruins of an earlier house. I select the deconstruct action and paint the house. In the image above you can also see a deconstruct menu. Here you can select specific things to be deconstructed, such as only roofs and walls.

Now you know how to dismantle and deconstruct in Going Medieval! I’ve kept this particular guide short and sweet as there really isn’t too much more to it! If you have any more questions or ideas on what we should write about next leave a comment below!


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