How to Get Ash in Cryofall

Ash is a small resource in Cryofall that is useful for a few items. Being one of the resources needed to create bottles, if you plan on storing water you’ll need a lot. The more ash you can gather in Cryofall, the more bottles you’ll be able to craft. Simple maths right? That is if you can get ash. I will go over some of the ways to get ash in Cryofall and show you the best way of acquiring ash.

How to Get Ash

You can get ash by burning wood products in the cooking store, campfire or furnace. As you use wood logs, plants or other items as fuel, you will eventually get ash as a byproduct. The best way to get ash in Cryofall is by using twigs as a source of fuel. Every time twigs are burnt as a fuel product they drop a lot of ash as byproduct compared to the other fire sources. By burning up twigs all day long, you are going to get yourself a lot of ash to use.

cooking twigs in the campfire to get ash in Cryofall
Burning twigs is the best way to get ash in Cryofall so far

As you can see in the image above, I am using twigs to process items in the furnace. You don’t need any particular wood to melt down metal ore. Twigs will apparently burn hot enough to process these the same as wood. The benefit here using twigs is that you will get more ash. When you burn wood logs for 5 minutes you will get around 3 ash. When compared to the twigs as fuel, you’ll get way more ash as a byproduct. keep in mind you will get less charcoal though.

Where to Find Twigs in Cryofall

Twigs can be found in pretty much every forest biome in Cryofall. If you travel around an area that seems to have a lot of trees around chances are you will find some twigs lying on the ground. check the image below to get an idea of what twigs look like in Cryofall.

Pick up twigs from the ground to burn into ash
Find the twigs, make the ash

Once you have found a small pile of twigs, put your mouse over them and press the right mouse button. This will have your character instantly pick the twigs up. Every pile on the ground will include about 2-3 twigs. So you’ll have to pick up a lot if you plan on burning them to ash. Twigs can also be gathered by cutting down trees. This is the preferred method as you generally won’t have to look too far to find trees in Cryofall. That is unless you’re in the barrens. If you really can’t find any twigs or trees, check out this guide to the Cryofall map. That should set you on the right path.

What is Ash Good For in Cryofall?

Every resource has a purpose in Cryofall. Even though a resource may seem rather insignificant to begin with everything will have a purpose. To begin with, your character will not be at their full potential. Many of the game’s technologies and blueprints are locked. you will have to spend your learning points to unlock new crafting recipes and buildings. Ash is one of the items that you will collect very early on in the game and not know what to do with. Hold on to that ash! Do not throw it away. One of the most important items in the game uses ash as one of the crafting materials.

Using ash to get raw glass in Cryofall
you won’t be able to make raw glass without ash in Cryofall

As shown in the image above, ash is one of the materials used to make glass. If the player has the right technology unlocked they can make raw glass with sand and ash together in the furnace. As this is the material used to make bottles, you can count that as very important. Once the player has 10 raw glass they are able to craft their own bottle at the Workbench. using the bottle players have basically an unlimited supply of salt and water as the salt water can my processed and split into the two. An unlimited supply of salt? Sounds pretty important hey?


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