How to Jump in Cryofall

Jumping is one of the staple actions across videogames. Jumping is generally used to scale objects and terrain and make your way through the world. Jumping is also used as a combat tactic in a lot of games. Players may be wondering how to jump in Cryofall. Well, read ahead for your answer.

How to Jump in Cryofall

Unfortunately, there is currently no way that you can jump in Cryofall. There is no key that is associated with the jump button at all. Thanks to the game’s top-down camera perspective, there isn’t really a great way that the jump could be implemented in the game.

Trying to jump over a rocky cliff in Cryofall
The rock walls are one of the main reasons for a jump feature

One of the main reasons that people may want to jump in Cryofall is to get over these little raises in ground. (As in the picture above). If a jump feature was implemented players could easily scale over these ledges. This might be a little game-breaking at I imagine it would be hard to implement a jump feature on a game which already has a full release. As jumping would have an effect everywhere in the game, you’d have to make it work individually with everything. The only real thing I could see a use for jumping is these rock walls.

That being said, apart of the game is moving around the landscape. There is always a way to get around these rock walls and there is always an opening to get through to the area.

What is a Good Way a Jump Feature Could be Implemented?

The one way I believe a jump feature would work is jumping down from the aforementioned rock walls. Just like in the old Pokemon games, there were certain ledges that could only be jumped over from one side. I think it would be a nice little time-saving feature if we were able to jump down from these rock ledges in Cryofall. That being said, the game is still great without the ability to jump. I can’t really see where being able to jump would benefit the player in any way in the game.

Do you have any ideas about being able to jump in Cryofall? Is there anywhere you thing being able to jump would come in handy here? Leave a comment below.


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