A Guide to the Valheim Ashlands

The Ashlands are another biome that is in the current version of Valheim’s early access. A biome is an area such as the meadows area, mountains or plains. Ashlands is a large area with black ground and appears to be relatively flat. Although the ground is black and resembles coal, upon using a pickaxe to break up the ground the player will still find regular stone as with the other biomes earth.

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20 Must-Know Tips and Tricks For Valheim

Cutting down trees is probably going to be one of the first things you do in Valheim. You will need wood for just about everything including crafting weapons, boats and of course building yourself a nice shelter to stay out of the rain. One mechanic players are having a lot of fun with it the fact that falling trees can and will do damage. When you cut down a tree in the game it will fall. Falling trees can kill.

How to See/Find Friends on the Map in Valheim

Playing Valheim with a group of friends and suddenly got lost? We’ve got you covered. You can mark yourself as visible on the map my selecting the option at the bottom of the map UI. There is a checkbox that reads ‘Visible to other players’ that when selected, revels your current location to your friends.

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How to Put Shields and Weapons on Your Back – Valheim

Players trying to take nice shots of the game or put their items onto their backs may be happy to find out that putting your shield onto your back is as simple as pressing one key on the keyboard. By pressing the R key players are able to put whatever weapon or shield they have currently equipped onto their back. You can press the r key again to put the item back into your hands.

How to Pause and Save the Game in Valheim

Without a clear set of instructions informing the player how to save the game it may be a little difficult to figure it out. Pressing the ESC key does open up the options menu but doesn’t seem to pause the game, even when playing the game in Single Player mode.

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How to Move Furniture and Items in Valheim

To move furniture in Valheim you are going to have to first get ahold of a tool called the Hammer. The hammer is the tool that is used for basically all furniture and structure building in Valheim. By using this, you will be able to create items, repair items and also remove them to be relocated somewhere else.

light a fire in valheim. castle chimney

How to Light a Fire in Valheim

Having a campfire nearby is one of the requirements the player needs to fulfil in order to set their spawn point or sleep in a bed is to have a lit fire burning nearby. A fire burning in a nearby radius is important for sleeping as well as cooking simple meat by using a cooking station. If you are having trouble with trying to light a campfire in Valheim we are here to help.

How to Get Coordinates and Teleport in Valheim

This guide will teach you how to teleport in Valheim using the console commands and inputting coordinates and also how to figure out the coordinates of where you are currently standing. Before we start on the guide you must have cheats enabled through the in-game console in order for any of these advanced commands to work. You must be admin of the current server/world in order to use the cheat commands.

Bone fragments from skeleton archer in valheim

How to Get Bone Fragments in Valheim

Bone fragments are great for a lot of different things. You are going to need a good supply of them to create and upgrade some of your gear. There are two main ways of getting Bone fragments in Valheim. You can find Bone fragments in some locations as loot on the ground. You can also get Bone fragments as loot from defeating a certain boney enemy type in the game.