A Guide to Birch Trees – Valheim – Birch Seeds

Birch is one of the types of trees that the player can cut down in Valheim. They are one of the easiest trees to distinguish from others as they have a very unique color scheme.

Valheim Cheat – Noclip

Noclip is a popular term in videogames for a cheat that allows the player to fly and go though walls without taking any damage. Whilst there is no cheat command called noclip in Valheim, the player can use cheats to fly around and have themselves take no damage.

smelt black metal scrap

How to Melt Black Metal Scrap – Valheim

There are no crafting recipes in the game which currently use black metal scrap at all. The only thing that this resource is good for is being processed into usable black metal. Think of black metal scrap as the ore version of black metal, much like copper or tin ore.

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How to Learn Recipes in Valheim – Valheim Tech Tree

The crafting system works like this: Every time you have all of the required items for a recipe, you will learn how to craft it. For example before you learn the recipe for the Finewood bow, (which costs 10 Fine Wood and 10 Core wood and 2 Deer Hide to craft), you will have to have picked up at least 1 Fine wood, 1 core wood and 1 deer hide.

Valheim – How to Lock Doors and Chests

To lock your doors and protect your Valheim base you will need to build an object known as a ward. This ward will lock all doors that the player has placed within a certain radius.

How to Heal Pet Wolves in Valheim

To heal one of your wolves when they get injured, simply throw down a piece of raw meat or neck tails near them. Once the wolf gets hungry, they will seek out this raw meat and upon consuming it, recover 20 hit points of health.

How to Hide the HUD in Valheim

Hiding these elements will obviously make it harder to navigate around the map of Valheim. For some, this may provide an added challenge that they enjoy in the game. The only downside here is, with no visible indicators on your health on your character’s model, you will have absolutely no way of telling how much health or stamina you have left.

fully upgraded forge with all forge upgrades in a room Valheim

How to Level Up/Upgrade the Forge – Valheim

Most of the items are easy enough to get. Chain is the hardest material of the lot. You can acquire chain by either finding it as random loot in the sunken crypts of the swamp, or by defeating Wraith creatures which only appear in the swamp at night. Either way, it’s pretty risky business.

Valheim – God Mode and Other Useful Cheats

God mode in Valheim a cheat which will allow the player to take no damage at all. The only effect that the cheat has in the game is to allow the player to take no damage.