Valheim Game Doesn’t Save Fix

Players, including myself are having an issue with the game where at some point the game no longer saves when pressing log out, or closing the game of Valheim. The issue seems to be mostly happening in single player whilst offline, as when starting a server the game periodically saves it’s state. Unfortunely there has not yet been an immediate fix for this issue but seeing as the game only came out a few days ago it would be unlikely to be fixed straight away. Luckily we at Set Ready Game have found a workaround or temporary fix to this bug.

How to Farm in Valheim | Valheim Farming Guide

This guide will tell you everything you need to know about starting a farm in Valheim. It is intended for players who are stuck near the start of the game and haven’t figured out how to start planting crops and growing things on a farm. Read on for more information if you want to start a farming like in Valheim!

The Best Way to Get Tin in Valheim

This guide will tell you everything you need to know about how to get Tin from start to finish. Once you’ve read through the guide you should be well on your way of getting out of the stone age in Valheim. If you have any more questions or didn’t understand anything you can leave a comment down below and I will get back to you and help you out.

The Best Way Get Surtling Cores | Valheim

Surtling Cores are items found in the depth of the Black Forests in Valheim. They are used in the construction of some advanced items in the game. You should be finding them in the early-mid game. Once you have beaten Eikthyr, your next goal should basically be to gather some good weapons and armor and head into the black forest in search for some Surtling Cores.

Exploring the meadows in Valheim

The Best Way to get Copper – Valheim

Teaching you how to find copper in the Viking, heavy metal blood-fueled vengeance story. Read on to find out where to get copper and what it can be used for.

How to Repair Tools in Valheim

This is going to be a short guide on how exactly you will repair your tools and weapons. In Valheim, Hugin will help guide you on your way. You will get great advice throughout the start of the game telling you about the mechanics of the game and how to advance. One thing that isn’t explicitly stated, however is how to repair your items once they are broken.

Cooked meat from the players inventory in Valheim

How to Cook Food in Valheim

Food will be absolutely necessary to your survival in this harsh world where enemies are lurking around every corner to defeat you. If you want to become Odin’s greatest warrior you are going to have to learn how to cook. The tl;dr is written above as the first paragraph but we will go into more detail with images in this guide if you are still having trouble cooking up a feast. (Or if you keep cooking coal.)

A cozy little shelter made in Valheim at night

How to Set a New Spawn Point in Valheim

So it may just be simple right? I throw down a bed in the middle of nowhere and click on it? No! There are a few things you need to know about creating a bed and spawn point in Valheim. Follow this step-by-step guide to make yourself a cozy little place to start your adventure off again once you ‘eventually’ die.

Eikthyr banner image

A Guide to Eikthyr – Valheim

In Valheim there are alpha creatures which must be slain and given as tribute to the gods. The first boss you will have to defeat is called Eikthyr. You can find the first boss through the red stone at the starting area of the game. This will place a marker on your map where you will find a Mystical Altar. To summon the boss of this area you will have to place certain items on the altar to ‘call them to you’.

trading in valheim

Should I Buy Valheim? – Valheim Review

Sharpen your axes, ready your bows. Join me as I dive into early access game Valheim and share my thoughts on this survival exploration game. Valheim- Review